Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Un Viejo Vicio: Of Montreal

Por más ocupado que ande, no podía dejar pasar un show íntimo con of Montreal en el Music Hall of Williamsburg, anoche, por más show de Dodos / Walkmen que casi me impidiera llegar a tiempo. Esta fué la gran canción que la banda tocó anoche después de una hora y media de goce y extravaganza (aunque mucha menos que la que vi en el Roseland Ballroom en el show anterior), antes de salir para el encore:

Lo que no tengo es tiempo para escribir más, así que aquí les hago copy/paste de las palabras de Matthew:
The first few verses of “Mingusings” rank among my favorite bits in Kevin Barnes’ body of work, in part for the very sound of it, but mostly because I find myself identifying closely with the words. I tend to relate to most of what Kevin writes, even when it’s rather far off from own life experience, but without explicating too much, there are a few lines in “Mingusings” that hit especially close to home, at least before they bounce off into another tangent. That bounce is part of what makes it work for me, though — it’s often enough to just echo something in your head, but it’s even better to push the thought to different conclusions, whether it’s wanting to fire all your friends and start your life over again, willing future triumph into existence, or inexplicably changing the topic to something about the intersection of technology and fiction.
Ya escuchó el nuevo (y buen) viaje a la divertida cabeza de Kevin Barnes? Aquí está:

[Stream Album: Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping]

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